Enhancing Gaming Revenue with Nostra – A Partnership Success Story


Understanding the impact of Nostra's platform integration on Qplaze's revenue stream.


Impact of Qplaze's revenue stream connection with Nostra's platform

In recent years, the mobile gaming industry has witnessed significant growth, presenting challenges for developers in areas such as discoverability, monetization, and user engagement. This case study explores how the Qplaze studio overcame these challenges by leveraging the power of Nostra.

The Challenge

Stagnant Engagement and Revenue Growth: Before the partnership, Qplaze primarily relied on puzzle games, generating an average of $80-$100 per day. Breaking away from this established niche posed a hurdle, hindering the studio’s growth prospects. Also, they were experiencing stagnation in terms of user engagement and retention.

Discoverability: Mobile gaming market can get quite crowded leading to many developers finding it hard to get their games noticed. There are many look-alike games as well from various developers that make the whole game discovery journey harder.

Monetization: If there is difficulty in game discovery, even premium-quality games might not get fairly monetized. Moreover, it takes a lot of time and resources to come up with an ideal revenue model. Qplaze was not far behind in experiencing all these challenges before partnering with Nostra.

The Solution

 Qplaze found games with Nostra in a simple and quick way

Revenue Diversification: Qplaze effectively broadened its revenue sources by adopting Nostra's advertising-centric strategy, enabling it to target distinct gaming audiences. This approach expanded their income beyond conventional channels, leveraging advertising to generate revenue starting from day one within the gaming industry.

Lock Screen’s Power Unlocked: Qplaze experienced effortless and easy game discovery with Nostra, owing to the platform’s lock screen advantage and large user base. This led to more Qplaze games hitting the charts and consequently, increasing the revenue.

partnership between Qplaze and Nostra produced an amazing rise in Qplaze's

Constant Feedback: With the constant guidance and support of the Nostra team, the studio pivoted towards unexplored gaming genres like battle royale, building blocks, tower games, and action-packed experiences. This strategic shift demanded a leap of faith from Qplaze, but their trust in Nostra's expertise paid off. Moreover, getting regular data-centric updates also proved to be extremely helpful.


Boost: The partnership of Qplaze and Nostra led to an astounding leap in Qplaze’s revenue from $120 to an impressive $380 within merely a week.

Nostra's partnership empowered Qplaze in enhancing gaming quality

Developer Support: Nostra's partnership empowered Qplaze with analytics, QA support, localization, and marketing assistance, enhancing game quality and market readiness.

Market Expansion: Qplaze ventured into untapped markets by capitalizing on Nostra's strategies to expand its business in the global market, thereby broadening its audience outreach.


Nostra has unique strategies for game developers.


Daily Active Users (DAU): 3.24 million across all games

Total Time Spent: 8.83 million hours on all games during the same period


Oksana Yezhel, Business Development Manager, Qplaze

“Nostra has transformed our gaming business positively. It's not just about revenue; the comprehensive support, analytics, and enhanced user engagement have fueled our growth. Partnering with Nostra has expanded our market reach and improved our games' quality and accessibility.”-Oksana Yezhel, Business Development Manager, Qplaze


Partnership between Qplaze and Nostra helps in transforming gaming revenue

The collaboration between Qplaze and Nostra proved instrumental in revolutionizing gaming revenue streams. By embracing Nostra's platform, Qplaze achieved unparalleled revenue growth, expanded market reach, and fortified its position in the competitive gaming industry.